Purchase or Stream In Pursuit of Justice Now
This award-winning film is available to schools, libraries and community groups through our distributor, The Video Project. It may also be seen by individuals at some libraries on Kanopy, a streaming service available at some public libraries. Check with your local library to find out! Consumers will find the film on Amazon or Tubi.
About the Film
In Pursuit of Justice covers the precedent-setting case of Greg Taylor – the first person to be proven innocent through a groundbreaking legal reform known as the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission. The Commission is a unique, independent, state-funded agency that reviews post-conviction claims of innocence if a prisoner has exhausted all other legal avenues. It is the only one of its kind in the country and can serve as a model of reform for other states.
Greg’s story is one of wrong turns, bad luck, and a loving, supportive family who never stopped believing in his innocence for 19 years. It is also the story of the incredible people who have worked tirelessly to reform North Carolina’s criminal justice system – reforms that led to securing Greg’s freedom.
This thought-provoking documentary illustrates several of the causes of wrongful convictions and serves as a great discussion starter for classes of all kinds, community/church groups, and criminal justice reform advocates. It is equally important for every average citizen to see this film, as each is a potential “juror” in our criminal justice system.


Balance the Scales of Justice in Your State
The story of Greg Taylor’s arrest and exoneration is a perfect way to begin a discussion of your state’s criminal justice system. Greg’s case includes snitch testimony, faulty forensic science, questionable decisions by his attorney, and a rush to judgement by the police.